acute glomerulonephritis ppt
It occurs due to repeated episodes of acute nephrotic syndrome nephrosclerosis and hyperlipidemia. 14 year old Saudi Male. Pin On Backgrounds Symptoms Causes and Treatment. . B GN of undetermined etiology. The antigen antibody complex deposition within the glomeruli results in glomerular injury which. Acute glomerulonephritis faturoti mo content introduction defination epidermiolgy aetiolgy pathophysiology clinical features investigations treatment introduction. Acute Nephritis or glomerulonephritis is an infective renal disease characterized by sudden onset of hematuria oliguria edema and hypertension. Acute post-steptococcal glomerulonephritis APSGN 5. Definition Glomerulonephritis is a kidney condition that. Fever intermittent Muscular joint pain Urine character Edema - PowerPoint PPT Presentation. Tutorial Med Course 441. But not all the disease necessarily have an inflammatory component. ...